Summer 2012

Wow, it’s been over 7 months since I last wrote a blog entry. Guess I’ve been distracted! Being a mother, wife, student, teacher, etc., can wear a person out. In the last six months I have successfully completed my comprehensive exams and started my dissertation research. We travelled home to California this summer for two weeks and had a great time with our family and friends. My sister got married so it was a particularly festive visit! I’ve found that it was harder to leave home this summer and head back to Syracuse because my son was able to actually forge relationships with his cousins and our friend’s kids. He had a blast playing with all the little ones. He would run from one cousin to the other, his eyes getting wider and more intense. He smiled constantly even though he had a cold most of the time we were there. He didn’t know we were leaving when we did, but I knew he didn’t have the same kind of community back in NY. It broke my heart.

We didn’t fly straight back to Syracuse instead we made a short stop in Boston for a meeting I had to attend. It was good for me to get back to work and get my mind off of being homesick.  It was our first time to Boston and we thoroughly enjoyed it, despite the heat wave!

A funny thing happened when we returned to our home in Syracuse. My son, lit up! We walked through the doors and he got so excited to be back in his home. He checked out all his toys as if to make sure they were all still there. So while I still miss California, and know he’d love to be near his cousins and friends, I also know that the home we make for him is what really matters. He recognized our daily comforts and was at peace when we were back. So was I.

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